Haley Batten is a Cross-Country Mountain Biker who in 2020 signed with Trinity Racing. A native of Park City, Utah, she’s been riding hard since she was 9, taking her first national title at 14. This year she's racing at the World Cup with Trinity, having taken her maiden victory and earning selection on the US Olympic team.
She took us through the tracks that rev her up and cool her down while she’s training.
My #1 of 2020. Although I don’t have it on repeat anymore I still listen to it often. Tash Sultana is often my go to for a short drive, cooking, and anything in-between. I love the talent that shines through her music.
The perfect pick when I want to tune out the extra noise and start my gym warm-up or a recovery session.
I hardly ever listen to music when I’m on the bike, but I always do when I’m on the trainer, doing a workout, or stretching. This tune is just the right beat as I start to get into my training groove.
This one fits into a lot of my playlists but I love listening to it before a hard training day or race.
When it’s time to raise the volume just a bit more, I put this song on. It’s a fun one for the drive to the race venue.
Hard time is for race day only and when I put my headphones in to start my race warm-up this is the first to play. I’ve got a few more on that playlist, each one adds to my focus and hype, but this is all you get ;).
I love this one for evening drives while travelling, leaving race venues, or heading out for a chill in the mountains.